Code generation

Generating code is a high level way to express a model in another format.

The beauty of code generation (low-code), over no-code tools is that you have full control over the end result. You're free to make changes to the generated code

The default programming languages Fractal Forge uses for code generation are Python and JavaScript/Typescript.

A typical application has the following structure:

      ├── service/
      │   ├── adapters/
      │   └── domain/
      ├── api/
      │   ├── adapters/
      │   ├──
      │   ├──
      │   ├── pyproject.toml
      │   └──
      ├── portal/
      │   └── package.json
      └── workers/
          ├── js_worker/
          │   ├── index.js
          │   └── package.json
          └── py_worker/
              └── requirements.txt

A deeper explanation of all the parts can be found in our article about the Microservice Architecture.